We were in the way to lisagny pura with few believers.
here it´s how the road look like.
My precious brothers I am sharing this videos just to show you some of the bridges in the road to lisagny pura.
they were singing a special song with brother Rafael Black house, and after that I preached about 15 minutes for the little ones.
Brother Love the message so much that builded some benches under his house.
Here is some of the believers who came to atteneded the services we had in Lisagny Pura.
This is brother Nolberto and his mate sister Alexa, they have been living together for 12 years.
He gave a bull to her dad, and after they eated the bull he took her home with him. they don´t has to get marriage intheir custom or practice in the area of the Mosquitia.
But by the grace of God we were able to healp her finnancially and brother Blackhouse healped her to register and to recibe the first time in LIFE a birth certification, and she and brother Nolberto wants to honor the word and get marry.
The name of the fruit it´s OJON THEY SAID THAT THIS JUICE IT GOT LOT VITAMINS. And with seed they make a cream for the hair.
by the grace of God we were able to drink the juice it´s not to tasty by it´s Okey.
Brother Calero said that he want his family to get right with God because he want this message to continue on in Lisagny Pura, he said if I die I want my children to take the message to the natives so they can know what God has give us.
This old lady it´s coming from her property to get some yuca for her family to eat.
she it´s not believer, but brother Rafael was telling her about hte word.
The people came to hear the message regardless what the Catholic leader said.
Brother Rafael Blackhouse on white T shirt and brother brother Calero on orange color shirt.
This brother Ruiz, he came to puerto Lempira and visit brother Rafael Blackhouse and cme to church with him and he accepted the Lord Jesus as his saviour, but he live in Lisagny Pura,
And this time he request to be baptize in the name of the Lord Jesuschrist, he said I want to do it now, because we don´t know when you will be able to comeback, and I want to be ready.
Please pray for this young man, may God use him with the word to healp others.
Now brother Rafael Blackhouse it´s healping them with the paper work for their wedding.
Please pray for the man here because he play like a christian but he is not, may the Lord have mercy and save him .
The little group in puerto Lempira they are still pressing on.
this sistter want to healp the little children in puerto Lempira to learn the word.
Traveling through Patuca River.
enjoying the nature of the Lord Going back home.
God bless you and thank you very much for your great support.