I want to express few Words of Gratitude to my Lord Jesus Christ
For allowed me to work for his kingdom, even dough that I don´t feel worthy of such great privilege, to go into all the world, and preach the góspel to every creature.
And I also want to give my words of gratitude, to the saints who have the privilege to be part of the work of the Lord, praying and giving financial support to accomplish the missionary work.
The following information it will give you an Idea of what the Lord allowed us to accomplish.
Saturday December 1.
I arrived in Puerto Lempira.
At six o´clock pm we started the missionary work, in brother Hitler Bacaro´s house, in one of the neighborehood of Puerto Lempira.
Two people gave their heart to the Lord, and four more people came to the altar for prayer, we also prayed for the sick.
This brother Hitler it is not the teacher of Baykan.
Sunday December 2, 2018
9:30 am
Service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle teaching of the Word.
Puerto Lempira Tabernacle
I dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ Brother Blachouse´s little boy, and brother Henrry´s little girl.
At 1:00 pm we went to the lake to baptize one fourteen years old girl.
At 3:00 pm we were invited to visit a family where they have one 26 years old girld infected with AIDS, and I had the privilege to guide the sick sister to the Lord and we prayed for her.
At 6:00 pm we had the night service in the Tabernacle.
Evangelistic service, two people stood up to receibe the Lord JesusChrist and two more asked us for prayer.
Sunday december 2 after church we Baptized this young sister on blue top.
Monday December 3, 2018.
Brother Blackhouse were sick, he got a infection in his right foot, but we asked lot people for prayer and the Lord healed him.
We wait two days for his recuperation.
Tuesday December 4, 2018
We had a service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle, the Lord blessed us with a great fellowship arround the Word Of God.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018.
We started our missionary trip into the Jungle, to the community of TIKIRAYA,
FOURTEEN HOURS traveling through the river to get to Tikiraya.
Traveling from Puerto Lempira To Tikiraya, through Carataska Lake and Cruta River, 14 hour trip.
Using brother Hitler´s engine 15 HP. and a small boat.
Thursday, Dcember 6, 2018
The reazon we came to Tikiraya it´s because 6 month ago we baptized Brother Pablito his wife and a 17 years old daughter in Puerto Lempira, He is from Tikiraya but he moved to Puerto Lempira for work, he used to be Baptist preacher in Tikiraya.
And brother Pablito want his family and the whole community in Tikiraya to get to hear the message.
Brother Pablito´s family, His daddy brother Paulino and his family were waitig for us in Tikiraya, they are baptist and most of the people are catholic.
We started to meet the people and tell them about the Word, and at 6 pm we did have the first service, those people were very surpriced hearing a different góspel.
Not body in this community know what a altar call means or to receibe Jesus as their Savior, not body never has teached them that.
Services in Tikiraya Baptist church.
Most of the people are Catholic and some are Baptist, but we were able to have three services with them.
Brother Paulino on blue shirt and his family are the first family who want us to come back to preach the word.
Lot other people said that they want to here more.
Brother Blackhouse foot got infected againg in the way to Tikiraya.
Lot natives came to see him and they were preparing some natural medicine for him.
they used some herbs and roots to put on his foot, the people were very kind with us.
they even found some crutches for bro. Blackhouse.
Friday, December 7, 2018.
We had a morning service at 10 am.
About 16 people came to hear the Word, we also prayed for the sick.
At 6 pm. We had another service
At the end Brother Paulino came forth to the altar and asked us to pray for him and his family, as a signal that he want to receibe the Word.
And He asked us to come back, he said that if not body want s to receibe the Word of God he said that he will receibe it.
I preached three services in the baptist church building.
Saturday, December 8, 2018.
We moved to Baykan, two hours trip through the Cruta River.
This is my third trip to Baykan, where the Catholic church has two pastor.
One of them it´s brother Arlet the chief´s son and the other is Brother Octavio who is brother Arlet son in law.
Brother Octavio was 100% againts us the first time we came to Baykan.
But now, Brother Octavio want to serve the Lord, he said that he want to have Jesus in his home, His 12 years old daughter got baptized in the name of the Lord JesusChrist.
He said that he understand that he is living in fornication and he want to marry with his 6 children´s mother and serve the Lord.
Both pastors were there, Brother Arlet he is always with us but he has never make any decition to Receibe the Word.
But Brother Octavio and his family want to live a Christian life.
Brother Paulino and his family dismiss us at the Bank of the River.
that´s brother Paulino´s house, they offered their house for us when ever we come back there.
The people were happy to hear the message.
The man with the load on his back it´s the catholic Pastor brother Arlet. he is bringing food to his family.
the little ones are some of his children.
This man has been very nice to us, but hi has not make any decision yet, we trust that God will touch him one of this days.
The two Catholic Pastor are seated together with a little boy.
Brother Octavio on green T shirt it´s the one who want to get marry, because he has recognize that he is living in fornication and he want to serve the Lord, and his 12 years ols daughter got batpized.
Brother Hitler his wife and two kids are singing a special song to the Lord.
The Catholic Pastor Arlet his wife and other catholic sister are singing a special song.
Sunday, December 9, 2018.
9:30 am, service.
The Lord allowed me to preach about the importance that it´s to serve the Lord and to take Him home with us, to bless our family.
At the end of the service, I asked who would like to take Jesus Home with them?
And five mens and 3 sisters stood up as a signal that they do wants to receibe the Lord and take it home with them.
Sunday at 1 pm after lunch we baptized Brother Hitler´s wife sister Ketly ( Hitler and his wife both are working in baykan as teachers.) And we also have baptized brother Octavio´s daughter.
Note: In Baykan we have 4 believers already baptized, Brother Zoilo the chief, the two teachers and the 12 years old girl.
The pastor Octavio´s Mother in law was very angry for his decition to follow he Word, and for let his older daughter to get baptize, and she told brother Octavio that he will has to pay to her the money she spended to rice brother Octavio´s wife, she said because we are catholic.
We are still using the Catholic building in Baykan,
Brother Arlet the Catholic Pastor gave us a chicken so we can eat it.
I got the privilege to baptize sister Ketly the teacher wife his 12 year old son.
and the catholic Pastora daughter in Baykan.
the brother on yellow shirt it's brother Octavio the catholic pastor and his wife.
Monday, december 10, 2018
We travel to Lisagny Pura, 6 hours trip by the River and one hour walking through the mud.
6 pm we did have the first service, lot people came to hear the Word including 5 member of the army.
After my preaching I asked if there were any body who want to receibe Jesuschrist as their savior, and I was surpriced, because two military men came to accept Jesus as their savior, they were wearing their uniforms and weapons
We are arriving to our stop coming from Baykan to Lisagny Pura, were we has to walk one hour through the mud.
And brother Blackhouse it is not able to walk, but the Lord did Provided for him a horse.
Lisagnu Pura service.
Monday december 10, at 6.00 O´clock we had a evangelistic service.
We had a very good group of people most of them visitors including 6 military men.
After my preaching I did maked an altar call just in case we had some body who want to receibe Jesus in their heart
and for my surprice two military men came forth to the altar with their uniform and weapons on them.
I prayed for them, and I hope that God will lead them in the way to get to heaven.
Tuesday, december 11, 2018
At day time we visit some of the neighbores homes to tell them about the Word, most of the people it´s very religious.
6 pm we had another service, were I preached about san mark 16: 15 and 16.
One man came for prayer to rededicate his Life to Christ and we also prayed for the sick people.
Lisagny Pura. Tuesday December 11.
We had another service at 6.00 PM
This time we had another great blessing with the word, and the man in the photo with the T shirt with blue and black stripes came as a visiter he was working with the man who on the pick up truck who give us the transportation from Lisagny Pura to Puerto Lempira.
This man also gave his heart to the Lord, we don´t know where does he live, but I believe that if he is part of the elected one God will healp him to make it until the end of the way.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018.
WE traveled back to Puerto Lempira, we left Puerto Lempira on Wednesday December 5, and we came back Wednesday 12.
Thursday December 13, 2018.
Note: 9 am I called the airline to confirm my flight back to La Ceiba, I want to fly in the morning flight at 6 am, but they told me that they don´t have available space in the morning flight, but they have another flight at 11 am. There fore I did confirmed my flight at 11 am.
At 6 pm. We had the last service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle, in that service came a Young brother 16 years old, he gave his heart to the Lord JesusChrist and wanted to get baptize next day in the morning.
Brothers and sisters you see how perfect the Lord is? If the airline would have had room for me to fly in the Morning I will never be able to baptize that Young brother.
Brother Zoilo the chief of Baykan came to puerto Lempira because he was needing to go to the hospital to see a doctor.
The Sister with the baby is Sister Corina, Brother Blackhouse´s wife and his children.
I like to said that brother Blackhouse and his wife they has been a great help for the work of the Lord in Puerto Lempira and others communities.
Please continue praying for him.
Friday, December 14, 2018
At 7 am we went to the lake to baptized him and came back to get ready to fly back to la Ceibe at 11 am.
11 am I took my flight to la Ceiba, to return back home, And by the grace of God I made it back home safe.
I dedícate this humble testimony to the Lord JesusChrist who deserves the Glory.
And I pray to the Lord to give me the strength continue this work to find the Last one to enter in, so we can all go home.
Your brother in Christ Jesus : Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.
God Bless you.
2018 December Honduras Testimony
Back in Puerto Lempira.
As I told you in my missioanary Report, that I wanted to flight friday morning at 6.00 am flight, but there was not seat available in that flight, only in the second flight at 11.00 am.
we had a service thursday night and this young brother gave his heart to the Lord and wanted to be baptize in water, there fore we went to the lake friday morning to baptized him and after that, I went up to the airpport to get my flight with out problem.
God new that I was needing some time in the morning to baptize this brother.
God is Godd all the Time.