Dear Brother Chris, and all the Saints of Living Word Fellowship Assembly.
Greetings in the wonderful name of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
I am so thankful for your prayer and financial support.
This time we had a minister visitor from Mexico who want to come with me in this trip to experience the work in the Jungle, His name is Jose Alfredo Martinez, He is a new minister that I meet in Saltillo Mexico.
Brother Ely Acosta, brother Alfredo Martinez and my self traveled together this time.
Brother Jose Alfredo was exciting about the experience he got during this trip.
I share this photos of us on the back of a pick up truck going to the Patuca River.
November 4, 2021
We traveled to Catacamas Olancho, Honduras.
in a Little town call Jamasquire Hill, where Ely is helping a Little Church that has no pastor.
I preached there, and by the grace of God we encourage the believers there.
we prayed for the sick, and some renewed their vows with God.
the following photos it show the service there.
Friday Novemver 5, 2021
We visit the Church in Catacamas, where the pastor is Neptaly Jimenez.
Brother Neptaly asked brother Jose Alfredo Martinez from Mexico to preach for them.
He did great Job, and the believer answer to the call to pray for any needs they have.
We did heve great time in the Lord.
Saturday November 6, 2021
We traveled into Patuca River, in the back of a pick up truck.
Traveling through Patuca River into Gosen, to give a little spiritual support to the Saints there,they still need a Pastor.
Brother Ely, preached saturday night, Bother Jose Alfredo Preached Sunday Morning and Ipreached Sunday night.
the Lord gave us very good time in fellowship with saints there arround the Word.
They all sent greetings to Living Word Felowship assembly.
they also ask you to continue praying for them, that God rise some body as a pastor.
That the little plane we use to travel into Puerto Lempira from Gosen.
And the some of the men of the Church of Gosen came to said goodbye to the Landing track.
Monday November 8, 2021
we traveled into Puerto Lempira and we started with a service in Brother Jose Quintanillas´s home
giving the opportunity to the unbelievers to hear the message.
Tuesday November 9, 2021
We were blessed to baptized a couple Husban and wife and another four kids betwin 10 and 16 years old.
We are so thankful with our Lord Jesus and the Saints of Living Word Fellowship Church, for open their heart to support the Missionary Work.
And by doing that, this people are receiving the benefits of the revealed Word.
The Church of Puerto Lempira is pressing on.
there is a group of believers growing up.
This a rain season right now, one of the rivers in the way to Lisagny where overflowed and we and we went through the water to cross over to the other side, by the grace of God we made it.
We also got into a bad muddy places and our Pick up truck Got stuck few times. but again with the help of the Lord we made it.
We find some military people and we gave them something to drink and we gave them a ride to Lisagny Pura.
This the Church in Lisagny Pura.
The Pastor Nolberto Lopez is still pressing on.
and the Little group of believers are standing there serving the Lord.
Brother Alfredo from Mexico is Preaching with Brother Blackhouse interpreting.
We had four services in Lisagny Pura, some visitors came to hear the word being preached.
this the photos of the service Thursday Morning, November 11.
We also celebrated a Wedding Ceremony for Brother Nelsito and sister Marleny in Lisagny Pura.
They want to be right with God, there fore they asked us if we can healp them financially to have their Wedding Ceremony and by the grace of God we were able to healp them.
They were Happy.
and we were Happy too.
The saints from Lisagny Pura sent greeting to the saints of Living Word Fellowship church.
This is the Group of Believers who are standing for the Word in Puerto Lempira.
Brother Blackhouse is doing great Job.
Here we were eating breakfast in the way to Suhi, to get our boat to El Carrizal.
We are using brother Jose´s pick up truck.
By the grace of God we Got a Friend in Suhi, who rent his boat to us to go to El Carrizal.
And we use our 40HP engine
We arrived ther monday night November 15.
The believers up there are so glad that we are able to come to help them with the Word of God.
because they Live so fare away from civilization.
but we also feel blessed to shared the word with them.
Getting ready in our Mountaine Taxis, to go to visit Brother Francisco Moore the Pastor there
The trail was rough, and muddy, in lot places we has to walk because it was to danger to do it riding on the horse back.
This is the church of Cahuru Hill.
Pastor Francisco Moore is a very nice brother, he is willing to learn more about the reveal Word.
And the believers there are also glad to have us visiting them, because ther is so fare away that not to many preachers have the opportunity to come iver there to help them.
This is brother Francisco and his Family.
That little house is brother Francisco´s house, and we are getting ready to go back to El Carrizal.
We got back into El Carrizal, to have the last service on friday November 19.
The believer there sent greetings to the saints inLiving Word Fellowship Church.
They are also thankful for the Support they are receiving with the Word of God.
By the grace of God and with your help they have their own place to worship God.
Some of the believers from Cahuru Hill came to El Carrizal To Dismiss us, the sisters cooked for us to take something toeat in the way going back to Puerto Lempira.
Traveling back to Puerto Lempira
Sunday Morning we had our Last service in Puerto Lempira.
I want to said that I see a little group of believers growing in the word there.
That is not easy to see among the native people, but I see the grace of God manifested here.
Tuesday November 23 we traveled into La ceiba.
to visit the little body of believers there to be in service with them.
Dear Pastor Chris, Trustees, deacons and members of Living Word Fellowship Church.
I like to said that I am thankful with the Lord and with you allas well for the great blessing you has been for the poor people who lives fare away from civilization.
And for me as a missionary brother who want to get the Job done, but I acknowledge that I can not do it by my self.
Thank you so much for trust me in this work.
God bless you
Your Brother In Christ Jesus: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.