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Brother Paco

2019-08 Honduras Mission Report

From august 9, until august 29, 2019

The jungle of Honduras and Nicaragua.

Missionaries: Brother Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.

And Brother Rafael Blackhouse.(interpreter and pastor)

Places we visited in Honduras.

Puerto Lempira, and Kaurkira where we visited the first time.

Places we visited in Nicaragua.

El Carrizal, Waspan, and Wua Wua Esperanza.

Words of Gratitude

First of all, I want to thanks God for his grace and Love for his children, for give me the Call to go out to look for the Last one, and for provide every thing we need to perform his work, He gave us the Call to go, the Holy Gost, the strenth, the health, the Love for the Lost People and the Funds to go forward.

Beside that, The Lord Jesus has gave us a group of believer which also have a call to support the Missionary work, and we all together have made the effort to perform what the Lord has Call us to do.

May God Give the desires of the hearts to every one who has been part of this missionary work, with prayer and offeerings.

I hope you can take few minutes to read this report.

Friday August 9, 2019

Evangelistic service in the church of La ceiba.

One Young sister gave her heart to the Lord.

Saturday August 10, 2019

6 a m. I flew from La Ceibe to Puerto Lempira.

6 p m. First outreach service in Puerto Lempira, one Young Lady gave her heart to the Lord.

Sunday August 11, 2019

Sunday Morning 9.00 Am teaching of the Word in Puerto Lempira´s tabernacle.

6.00 pm. Preaching in Puerto Lempira´s Tabernacle.

With this church we are teaching the Word more than evangelize, because it´s a Little group who need to grow in the Word.

Monday August 12, 2019

Outreach service in a neighborhood of Puerto Lempira.

An old Lady gave her heart to the Lord and one man also gave his heart to the Lord.

Tuesday August 13, 2019

3.00 pm We went to the river to Baptize the Old Sister who gave her heart to the Lord one day before. (Tuesday)

At we had a service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle.

Wednesday August 14, 2019.

We Travel to EL Carrizal Nicaragua, old day traveling.

4 hours to get to the border, coconut or Segovia river.

By pick up truck.

Then we waited few hours for the Cayuco to come, and we travel through the river going up, for 6 or 7 hours. it take so long to get there because the cayuco stop in lot places to pick up passengers.

We arrived in El Carrizal around 7.00 aclock pm.

Thursday August 15, 2019

In the Morning there was a alarm in El Carrizal, because some religious people were saying that we were the Anti Christ, and the authority of the community came to see us, to check what we preach, and mister Hidalgo the judge or watchman,he was asking questions about our religión.

And after few hours talking and proving by the bible what we believe, mister Hidalgo said, you are fine, we need this doctrine here, you are very welcome to preach in El Carrizal.

6.00 PM we did have the first service, few people came to hear, because most of them, don´t want to hear the antichrist.

There was some sick people and we prayed for the sick.

Friday August 16, 2019

At day time we talked with diferents people evangelizing, and at 6. Pm we had another service.

Saturday August 17, 2019

Evangelizing and preaching at Night.

We also pray for the sick

Sunday, August 18, 2019

9.00 am Sunday School service

6.00 pm The Last evangelistic service, where 6 people three men and three sister came to the altar to be prayed for, they confessed that they will stand for the Word, and they asked us please to come back, because they want to continue being taught with the Word.

There is a message pastor in a mountaine about three hours from El Carrizal, we sent some body to him, and we invited him to come to meet us in El Carrizal, and he came and preached one service there, and he promise to the 6 believers that he will come once a week to preach for them.

Monday, August 19, 2019

We traveled to Waspan, by Cayuco going down the coconut or Segovia River.

We started the trip at 5:30 am and we arrived at two pm. In Waspan.

In this community is where brother Blackhouse´s family Lives.

At 6: pm we had a evangelistic service at Brother Blackhouse´s mother house.

We preached for brother Blackhouse´s family, and one couple came to accept the Lord, that was brother Blackhouse´s Little brother and his lady, and we also prayed for the sick.

Tuesday august 20, 2019

At day time We meet a trinitarian preacher, his Name is Danilo Reyes Crafor, he started to tell us about his ministry how he is going to preach for diferents denomination.

And suddenly the Lord open a door for us to start to witness to him about the baptism, and the Godhead.

He came with us to Brother Blckhouse´s mother House.

And after two hours talking, he was writing down the scriptures, and He said, well there´s not doubt that this is the true baptism.

Brother Blackhouse asked to brother Danilo a question, ¿ and now what you are going to do?

Brother Danilo said: I got to be baptized again.

He said take me to the river right now.

And by the grace of God I baptized him in water in The name of our Lord JesusChrist.

That same evening at 5 pm there was a truck going up to Wua Wua Esperanza, where we had an invitation by Brother Modesto Brown a United Pentecostal Pastor.

Brother Modesto Came to mee tus in Waspan, we took that truck it´s kind of log way, and The Truck got broken down in the middle of not where, therefore we sleep few hours on the truck and we got to the place at 6.00 am next day.

Wednesday August 21, 2019

We started to talk to the people about the Word, Brother Modesto and his wife expended 12 years in the United Pentecostal Church, but a year ago, the liders of the church put them out of their sistem, and took the minister License away from him.

Now he want to know about the message, and promisse to us that he want to start to preach the Little light he sees of the message.

We expend four days with them, Lot people came to hear the message, and one couple gave their heart to the Lord, and they will start to have church together.

The truck that was going out of that Place was coming on Sunday morning, no other way to come out of that place.

But this truck was going to diferent town, not to Waspan where we need to go, therefore we took it, and we got off of the truck in a place call, Buenos Aires, to see if we can get another vehicle, truck or whatever to go to waspan.

Time when by, and not transportation came by, At 5:00 pm there came a man who asked us if we were missionaries, he said because I see you got the equipment to have church.

We told him what we are doing, and our plan to go to waspan.

One hour later the same man came back and he said: if you are staying here tonight, come to my adventist church and preach for us.

We said praise the Lord lets preach, the Lord gave us a very good time in the Word with them, we preached the Gospel of holiness, one of the members of the church offer to us a place to stay over night and they gave us something to eat, and around 10.00 pm there was a bus coming, they were going to Waspan and we took it and went to waspan.

It Seems like the Lord only want us to witness in this place about Real góspel of the Lord JesusChrist.

Monday August 26, 2019

We came back to Puerto Lempira.

Tuesday August 27, 2019

We went to Kaurkira, where brother Virgilio Rosales and his wife has been asking us to come and preach, they are baptized in the Name of The Lord JesusChrist, and they want their neighbors to hear the message.

I was able to stay only one day with them, we had church in brother Virgilio´s house, and 10 or 12 people came to hear, we also prayed for the sick people.

Thursday August 29, 2019.

My return back home.

I want to said that this work was done only by the grace of God, through the prayer of the saints.

Please continue praying for this humble Missionary Ministry.

God bless you all.

Your Borther in Christ Jesus: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.

And Brother Rafael Blackhouse.

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